Programs, Courses and Mentorship

NEW Autumn courses coming soon – join our waiting list below to find out more

Practical Courses

THB Academy provides a range of practical courses to unlock your potential, gain confidence, and give you the skills to hit the salon floor with confidence.


Business Courses

Our business courses are crafted to streamline processes, build wealth beyond the chair and increase your profit.

Salon Growth Mentorship

“The road to success is always under construction.”

Do you feel stuck in a rut? Are you low on confidence? Do you want to take your salon to the next level but don’t know where to start?

Now is your time… build wealth beyond the chair, explore maximising marketing impact and GROW your salon profit  with THB Academy’s flexible support and meaningful mentorship.

Join Our Waiting List!

Don’t miss out on whats happening at THB Academy, sign up to our waiting list now!!

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